Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Questions 1 through 4 refer to the following email.

Dear Tracey,

Your mother and I were very happy to hear from you at last. It had been almost 4 months --------------------------- your last email. I really do wish that you would get a telephone. I don’t know why
you ------------------------- being so difficult to contact. I guess we will just have to respect your privacy. While
you almost never contact us, your sister telephones every day. As you know, I am willing to pay for a phone line provided you promise to call at least once a month. We don't make many demands of you. Tracey -------------------------- we want to see to you more, we don't visit you unexpectedly.
do we? Well, I hope that your job is going well. Remember, you know where to find us if you feel like visiting some time. 1 know that would ------------------ your mother very happy. Look forward
to hearing from you.

Lots of love,

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