Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Questions 5 through 8 refer to the following information.
A lot of people say that they are not interested ----------------------- fishing because it is a boring hobby.
However, it continues to be popular worldwide. What is the attraction of this pastime? Well, it is a good way to --------------------------- from the stresses of modern society. When you are fishing, you don't
have to worry about deadlines, there are no emails to write, and you can turn off your cell phone. You can just sit there as long as you want, relaxing and thinking about whatever you want. Or you can even think about nothing. It doesn't have to be a lonely -------------------------. Some people
go fishing with a big group of friends. They enjoy the peace and quiet together, then ---------------------------------
dinner together after a long day of waiting for fish to bite their hooks.

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