Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Listening

Questions 12 through 16 refer to the following letter and sign.


Dear Member,

We are pleased to announce the grand reopening of the City Art Gallery. The gallery had been getting very dirty and run down, so we decided to renovate it and give the city an art gallery that looks as good as new. We know that all our members have missed their cultural visits over the past 6 months. An opening ceremony will be held on March 22nd, and general admission will begin March 23rd. As one at our members, you are entitled to attend the opening ceremony and get a sneak  preview of our renovations and improvements. if you take a look at the enclosed information, you will see the changes that have been made. i'm sure you will agree that we have greatly improved the facilities. As a member, you will be particularly interested to note that we have decreased the cost of the 12 month pass.

We look forward to welcoming you to the opening ceremony.



Pembroke City Art Gallery Committee

City Art Gallery: New opening hours and amenities
  Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sat Sun
Opening Hours Closed 9-5 9-5 11-7 9-7 9-7 9-12
Admission Charges
Price Adults Students Children under 5 Senior Citizens
  $5.50 $3 Free $3
New 12-month pass $50, free admission to regular galleries and 50% discount on temporary exhibitions
Open all day. Serving a variety of coffees and juices, sandwiches, salads, and delicious homemade cakes.
Restrooms now available on every floor
All our galleries are now fully wheelchair accessible
New! Kids education. Lectures open to all elementary school kids: Saturdays 10-11, grades 1-3, Sunday 10-11, grades 4-61

12. Why was the City Art Gallery closed?


13. Which of the following changes is NOT mentioned?


14. When is the gallery NOT open?

15. Who can attend the lectures on Sunday mornings?

16. What can be found on every floor?

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