Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Practice Test)

Questions 165 through 168 refer to the following letter.


MuScum of Natural Science
40l E. Rosser Ave.
Columbus, OH 4502]
Tel: (502) 235-4678 Fax: (502) 235-4688

Mr. Tomi Galoob.
Galoob Ceramics
PO Box 356
Frisbie. NY 02165

Dear Mr. Galoob,

Thank you for sending me a copy of your latest ceramics catalog. You have been sending us your catalog here at the museum for several years now, and I always look forward to reading it. I was amazed yet again at the variety and creativity that you have displayed in your work. Your vases and bowls are quite exquisite! They look so realistic. They really do resemble the plants and animals that they are modeled after. I would like to order 50 more of the ladybug bowls. They are perfect for holding sugar cubes. but unfortunately we have had a lot of breakagcs this year. However. it was the scorpion cups that really grabbed my attention. According to the catalog, they are available in small. medium. and a limited number of extra-large sizes. I am interested in purchasing approximately 25 of the extra-large scorpion cups. If they are popular. I may consider ordering more. if the museum has the budget. Please send me information on your available stock. I would appreciate receiving the information by fax. I look forward to hearing from you, and hope that we will be able to continue doing business for a long time to come.


Linda Trump.
Manager, Bugs and Beans Coffee Shop

165. What does the letter request?

166. How should the ceramics company respond?

167. How long has Mr. Galoob been sending his catalog to the coffee shop?

168. What will the coffee shop use to hold sugar?

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