Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Starter TOEIC 3rd (Practice Test)

Questions 191 through 195 refer to the following table and notice.

Product 1995 2005 2015 (estimate)
Beef $2.2* $2.4 $2.8
Fruits $2.3 $2.8 $3.0
Potatoes $0.45 $0.48 $0.49
Wine $0.3 $0.3 $1.0
Coffee $3.4 $1.7 $1.8
Grains $4.1 $4.9 $5.0
Cigarettes $5.8 $5.9 $5.0
Whisky $3.6 $3.5 $3.7
Figures courtesy of Gromatian Ministry of Trade
*Value in millions of dollars


The Government of Gromatia would like to thank all its farmers for their hard work this year. Despite the winter flooding and the summer drought, 2005 was overall a great year for the farming industry. As a nation whose income is based on the revenue generated by the produce of our farmers. your work is of the greatest importance to us.

We have sent you the figures for 1995 and 2005. so that you can measure your success for yourselves. However. you will notice that exports were down in certain areas. In particular, coffee was low. These days. coffee drinking is becoming very popular thanks to large chains of coffee shops offering cheap but tasty coffee worldwide. We feel that it is important for Gromatia to gain a position In this market. Over the next ten years, we will be offering subsidies to farmers who plant coffee. We hope that this will enable us to increase our annual exports.

The second area in which we hope to excel is wine. With more leisure time. better education and a desire for luxury, people are becoming more interested in wine. In the past people stuck to the wines of France. Italy and Germany. but now they are looking for more unique wines from smaller locations. Thls is where we see a niche for us in the market. We believe that this will be our strongest export item by 2015.

Although small, Gromatia has the potential to do very well In the international market. Thank you for your efforts in taking us there.

191. Which product was exported more in 1995 than in 2005?

192. What is true about the export of beef in the 10-year period?

193. Which product is expected to increase most in value over the next ten years?

194. What problems did farmers in Gromatia suffer in 2005?

195. Why does the government think Gromatian wine will become successful?

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