Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Taking The TOEIC Skills and Strategies 1 (Chapter 1: Listening Practice)

A - Questions with an Interrogative.

1. Who/Whose/Whom

Listen for a name, position title, or pronouns (I, someone, etc.) in the answer. Don't confuse who’s and whose.

Who is our new manager going to be?

2. What/Which

Watch the noun after what. What time/ What day means ”when," so look for dates and times. Similarly, other nouns that follow what indicate what kind of thing to listen for. If you hear What do, look for opinions or details about a certain item.
Pay attention to the noun after which. Look for phrases like the one... or similar phrasing in the answers.

What floor is the human resources department on?

3. Where

Listen for a place.

Where is the new branch located?

4. When

Listen for a time, date, or day of the week. Also listen for time phrases (soon, later, etc).

When do you expect the clients to arrive?

5. Why

Listen for a reason.

Why did Mr. Jones get transferred?

6. How

i. How can/do...?

Listen for a way or method.

How do I send these packages to Germany?

ii. How many/much ...?

Listen for a number or an amount.

How much does a new printer cost?

iii. How long...?

Listen for a specific period of time.

How long will you be in Hong Kong?

iv. How often...?

Listen for frequency.

How often do you visit headquarters?

v. How was... / How do you like... / How do you feel about...?

Listen for phrases of opinion, such as, I think, it seems, etc., as well as adjective phrases.

How do you like San Francisco?

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