Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Taking The TOEIC Skills and Strategies 1 (Chapter 1: Listening Practice)

B - Questions with No Interrogative.

1. Be/Do

i. Be-verb Questions

Listen for affirmative or negative information about status or situation.

Is this shipment ready to go out?

ii. Do-verb Questions

Listen for yes/no, sure/ofcourse, or information about habit or action.

Do you have time to look over my proposal?

2. Auxiliary Verbs

i. Can/May...?

Listen for yes/no, variations of yes (sure; of course), and responses to questions about permission or a favor.

Can i open a window?

ii. Will...?

Listen for yes/no or a plan.

Will you be ready at 6 p.m.?

iii. Have...?

Listen for yes/no, variations of yes/no phrases discussing the status of an activity, or phrases about an experience.

Have the results of the market survey been delivered yet?

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