Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Taking The TOEIC Skills and Strategies 1 (Chapter 1: Listening Practice)

C - Other Types of Questions.

1. Indirect Questions

Listen for specific information.

When do you think you will be finished today?

2. Tag Questions

Listen for yes/no or a confirming statement.

Bernard is head of research and development, isn't he?

3. Negative Questions

Listen for true or false information if you hear a negative question.

isn’t it too late to call the European office?

4. Alternative Questions

Listen for preference if you hear a "Which do you prefer" type of question or question with or/rather/either/neither/both.

Will you be paying by cash or credit card?

5. Declarative Sentences

Listen for expressions of emotion, opinion, extra information, or a follow-up question to the statement.

There’s a lot of talk about moving to a new location.

6. Suggestion

i. Why don’t...?

Listen for a response to a suggestion or recommendation.

Why don’t we try that new restaurant for dinner?

ii. How/What about...?`

Listen for a response to a suggestion.

How about going to a movie tonight?

iii. Should/Shouldn't...?

Listen for yes/no, or the mention of a duty or responsibility.

Should we ask the boss what to do?

Shouldn't we make a reservation?

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