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Taking The TOEIC Skills and Strategies 1 (Chapter 1: Listening Practice)

C - Speeches/Lectures

Read the following talks, and focus on the main points. Use the What to listen for sections as a guide.

Welcome to the new employee orientation for the New Sun Wellness and Fitness Center. There are a few things I’d like to say before we formally begin. We will be taking a tour of the facilities to get everyone familiar with where everything is. But right now the pool and aquatics area is undergoing renovations, so we will have to skip that area. It should be completed by next month. Also, I know everyone is already certified in first aid, but we take it very seriously. Therefore, everyone will undergo a first-aid safety course at the end of this week. This is mandatory for all. If anyone has any questions during the orientation, please let me know.
What to listen for:
- Where can't the listeners go?
- What is mentioned about the listeners?
- What is said about the course?

The pool and aquatics area
They have a certification.
Everyone must attend.

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