Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Taking The TOEIC Skills and Strategies 1 (Chapter 1: Listening Practice)

H - Tours and Trips

Read the following talks, and focus on the main points. Use the What to listen for sections as a guide.

Welcome to the tour of the Shakers Soda Factory. 1 am Francis, and I will be leading this tour. As I’m sure you're aware, Shakers Soda makes over 20 different kinds of carbonated and non- carbonated beverages right here, with ingredients from all over the world. in this tour, you will see how the soda flavors are made in the tasting room and laboratory. We will stop by there first before making our way to the bottling room at the end. Don’t worry; we do have a sample room for everyone to try our flavors. And everyone on the tour will receive a special discount on purchases made here at this factory.
What to listen for:
- Who is Francis?
- Where are the listeners?
- What will the listeners get?

A factory employee
in a beverage factory
A discount

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