Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Taking The TOEIC Skills and Strategies 1 (Chapter 4: Practice Test)


Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32. What does the woman ask the man to do?

33. What does the woman say she will use the laptop for?

34. What does the man say about the MK—23?

35. What department do the speakers probably work in?

36. What does the woman mean when she says, "I was afraid of that”?

37. What will the man most likely do next?

38. What are the speakers discussing?

39. What is mentioned about the men?

40. What does the woman imply when she says, "It's lacking some visual appeal”?

41. What are the man and woman discussing?

42. According to the man, why does Mr. Yamamoto need to be at the meeting?

43. What will the woman most likely do next?

44. Where do the speakers most likely work?

45. What problem is mentioned?

46. What will the man most likely do next?

47. What does the woman mean when she says, "I have a meeting here in 10 minutes”?

48. What department does the man most likely work in?

49. What did the man ask other departments to do?

50. Where will the speakers most likely go?

51. What is mentioned about Tommy?

52. According to the woman, what happened at the last meeting?

53. What is the woman asking about?

54. Where does the woman want to go?

55. What does the man suggest the woman do?

56. What are the speakers discussing?

57. What is mentioned about the company picnic?

58. What does the man say he did?

59. Why does the woman say she is worried?

60. What does the man say about the copier?

61. What will the man most likely do next?

62. What is the purpose of the man's visit?

63. What does the woman suggest?

64. Look at the graphic. How much money will the man receive?

65. Where most likely are the speakers?

66. What does the man say customers are concerned about?

67. Look at the graphic. How much space is remaining on the memory stick?

68. According to the man, why is Silvia late?

69. Look at the graphic. Where did Silvia fly in from?

70. What will the speakers most likely do tonight?

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