Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Taking The TOEIC Skills and Strategies 2 (Chapter 1: Listening Practice)

B. Workplace Dilemmas

Read the following conversations, and focus on the main points. Use the What to listen for sections as a guide.

W: Kyle, did you order the food for the Blumstein event tomorrow night? Usually we receive it the day before an event, but it still hasn’t come in.
M: Isn't that event next Thursday? I haven‘t ordered it yet.
W: No, they changed the date and said they will hold it this week.
M: Oh, dear. Let me make some calls to our vendors. If we can get the food by tonight, we can get everything ready in time.

What to listen for
- What kind of company is this?
- What is the problem?
- What will happen next?
A catering company
Supplies have not arrived.
The man will call the vepdprs.

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