Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Taking The TOEIC Skills and Strategies 2 (Chapter 1: Listening Practice)

C. Staffing Changes

Read the following conversations, and focus on the main points. Use the What to listen for sections as a guide.

W: Did you hear? Management will announce staff promotions next week. They say they will announce a new assistant manager.

M: Really? Oh, I'm so nervous. I hope I get promoted.

W: You will. Everyone knows how dedicated you are to the team.

M: But I know Gillian has been working hard the past few months. And that new help desk technician has managerial experience. All three of us have an equal chance.

What to listen for

- What will happen next week?
- Why is the man nervous?
- How many people have a chance of being promoted?

Promotions will be announced.
He worries that he will not be prompted. 

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