Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Taking The TOEIC Skills and Strategies 2 (Chapter 1: Listening Practice)

G. Broadcasts

Read the following talks, and focus on the main points. Use the What to listen for sections as a guide.

Welcome to WOG Radio's weekly business news. I'm your host, Gerald Montenegro. Today’s story is about Marcello Beverage Company, a leading children's juice manufacturer, which has announced plans to build another factory in Lambertville. Business experts say this move is in anticipation of the company expanding globally. The recent success of its new all- natural yogurt drink line has given the company the confidence to try out new markets. Marcello Beverages will begin a digital advertising campaign in Spain and France in July.
What to listen for

— Who is Gerald Montenegro?
— What is happening in Lambertville?
— When will advertising begin overseas?

A radio host
A factory will he built.
In July

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