1. How often does he play tennis?
(A) He played tennis yesterday.
(B) He's going to play tennis.
(C) He plays tennis every day.
2. When did you see her?
(A) I saw her last night.
(B) I saw her with John.
(C) I'll see her yesterday.
3. What's on TV tonight?
(A) There's a movie at eight o'clock.
(B) The book is on the TV.
(C) It's under the TV.
4. How old is your car?
(A) I'm five years old.
(B) It's five years old.
(C) It's ten years.
5. Do you have any pets?
(A) Yes, I have a bicycle.
(B) Yes, I have a brother.
(C) Yes, I have a rabbit. |