Very Easy TOEIC (Unit 12: Negation)
To: From: Subject: Contract Date: June 3rd
Dear Mr. Conrad,
A) about B) of C) along D) in
promised 2. ___________ use any workers without consulting me first. However, this morning
A) to not B) to don't C) to didn't D) not to
I found two new workers on the building site. I 3. ___________ met them before, and I
A) am not B) will not C) had not D) be not was not told about them. I do not want a repeat of this. Please honor our contract. I am very disappointed by this.
Tom Atkins
Tired 4. ___________ your image? Fed up with your hair style? Don't want to wear the same
A) by B) of C) from D) to
old clothes again and again? Then you need 'Image Over.' We advise clients on how to make the most of their appearance. Don't want to spend a lot of money on clothes and make-up? No problem. You don't have to be rich to look good. We can show you cheap and easy ways to improve your appearance and create a new look. Call 435-945 to make an appointment. One of 5. ___________ specialists will visit your home
A) us B) ours C) our D) mine
and check your clothes and make-up. Then, the specialist will take you on a fun shopping trip to 6. ___________ you find things to improve your look. Call now and start
A) help B) show C) make D) dolooking great!