Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Very Easy TOEIC (Unit 5: Auxiliaries)

Grammar Focus - Auxiliaries

1. Auxiliaries

a) I should do my homework now.
b) I can help you clean the car.

can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must ...

2. Semi-auxiliaries

I am able to dance very well.

ought to, have to, be able to ...

3. Differences between auxiliaries and other verbs

► Auxiliary verbs are followed by the basic form of a verb.
You must (clean/ to clean/ cleans) your room now.

► Auxiliary verbs are NOT used with to-infinitives.
I would like to (be able to/ can) speak English.

► Auxiliary verbs do not agree with the subject in number.
John (can/ cans) swim very well.

► To negate an auxiliary verb, add "not" after it.
I (will not/ don't will) attend the meeting.

► It is possible to delete verb phrases after an auxiliary when they are repeated.
a) John will come to the party and so will Marta.
b) George can play the guitar, but Larry can't.
c) "I like apples." "So do I."

4. Making negative and interrogative sentences

Auxiliaries Negative sentences Interrogative sentences
can cannot Can you~?
ought to ought not to Ought you to~?
had better had better not -
have to do not have to Do you have to~?
be going to be not going to Are you going to~?
used to did not use to Did you use to~?
would rather would rather not Would you rather~?

5. Use would and could instead of will and can for proposals.

(Would/ Will) you like to have some coffee?

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