Very Easy TOEIC (Unit 5: Auxiliaries)
To: From: Subject: Pep talk Hi Jenny, This is a quick email to 1. _____________ you that I know you are having a hard time. We are
A) tell B) speak C) say D) talk
all here to help you, so come talk to anyone whenever you want. If you have time this week, how about meeting after work? I'd like to buy you a coffee and we 2. _____________ have a chat. Please let me know if you think this is a good idea or not. Could
A) had B) could C) advice D) would
you give me your reply 3. _____________ four o'clock today?
A) on B) within C) before D) along Cheers,Rachel
Pentagon's Restaurants Customer Comments Form Date of visit: Jan 3lst Time of visit: 11 a.m. Branch name: Rochester High Street Comments This is the first 4. _____________ I have eaten at Pentagon's. However, I think it will also be
A) time B) event C) turn D) eating
the last. I had to wait thirty minutes for my food. I had to ask the waitress four times before she brought water to our table. I 5. _____________ not enjoy a conversation with
A) had B) was C) do D) could
my friend because of the noise from the kitchen. The staff 6. _____________ shouting and
A) ought not B) had to C) were D) did yelling at each other the whole time. I asked to speak to the manager, but he was not available. The food was very good, but not good enough to make me want to return to any of your restaurants.