Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Very Easy TOEIC (Unit 7: Nouns/ Pronouns)

Part 7: Reading Comprehension

Choose the best answer.

Questions 1 through 2 refer to the following poster.

Lost Puppy

Please help us find our puppy. She has been missing for two days. Her name is Potato Chip. She is small and white with brown spots. She is about six months old. She was last seen running through the park on Elm Street. She is very friendly and will come to you if you call her name. If you find her, please call us at 555-9837. A small reward is available.

1. What does the missing puppy look like?

2. When should you call the telephone number?

Questions 3 through 5 refer to the following notice.


Tuesday's Movie Club meeting at the Megaplex cinema will be moved to Friday at 3:00 p.m. We will be watching the movie The Wizard of Oz. It is the 20th time we have shown it. During the movie, we will serve popcorn and drinks at our usual low prices. Remember, as part of our special offer, this week you can bring one friend for free. We have seating for only 300 people. This is one of our most popular movies, so don't be late. We hope to see you soon.

3. Which of the following is true?

4. What is the special offer?

5. How many people can watch the movie?

Questions 6 through 9 refer to the following letter and catalog.

Dear Mrs. Smith,

To thank you for being one of our regular customers, I am pleased to let you know about a great new offer. We are having our end of summer sale. You can find great savings on our catalog prices for T-shirts. We have cut the prices for men's, women's, AND children's T-shirts. Your whole family can dress well and look good, but you don't have to spend a lot of money.

Please take a look at the attached catalog.

Home and All Ltd.

Men's T-shirt

• 100% cotton
• Colors - white, green, blue
• Sizes - small, medium, large, X-large

Price - $9-95

• Buy 2, get one free

Women's T-shirt

• 100% cotton
• Colors - white, red, yellow, blue
• Sizes - small, medium, large

Price - $8.95

• Buy 1, get a free pair of socks

Children's T-shirt

• 100% cotton
• Colors - red, yellow, blue
• Sizes - small, medium, large

Price - $6.95

6. In which colors are men's T-shirts available?

7. How many men's T-shirts can you get for $40?

8. Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith, and their son all want to buy T-shirts of the same color. What color can they get?

9. Why did Home and All send Mrs. Smith a catalog?

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