Very Easy TOEIC (Unit 8: Adjectives / Adverbs)
Allie, Can you send Mrs. Sanders the new samples as soon as possible? She has called me 1. ___________ every day this week, including Saturday, and I feel like I am being
A) most B) almost C) at most D) almost all
2. ___________ . She has already seen most of the samples in my catalog, but she wants
A) jumped B) loaded C) chased D) marched
to see the newer materials. I have no time to fix something up myself, so I'd really appreciate your 3. ___________ . There is a file on my desk with all the information.
A) help B) helping C) assist D) assistant Please take it if you need to check any details. Call me after you send the samples.
Thanks, Ada
Too busy to clean your home? Ashamed to invite people to visit? Then you need Homework Cleaners. The famous cleaning service is now available in your town. Our cleaners will march 4. ___________ your home and clean it up in no time at all. Our
A) by B) in C) into D) along
cleaners can all be trusted to do a 5. ___________ job. Your house will be so clean, you won't
A) good B) best C) bad D) poor
recognize it when you come home. We interview all staff very carefully, so you can feel assured that they will treat your home with respect. And, 6. ___________ prices are
A) we're B) we C) your D) our unbelievable. So give us a call today on 0334-778-3342 and find out more.