Học từ vựng | Vocabulary learning |out of sight, out of mind

out of sight, out of mind ()

/ˈaʊt əv ˈsaɪt ˈaʊt əv ˈmaɪnd/
/ˈaʊt əv saɪt ˈaʊt əv maɪnd/

used to say that people soon stop thinking about something or someone if they do not see them for a while

I forgot all about her. Out of sight, out of mind, I suppose.
After moving away, friends often experience an "out of sight, out of mind" phenomenon.
The saying "out of sight, out of mind" reflects the tendency to forget distant problems.
Relationships may suffer from neglect if the "out of sight, out of mind" mentality prevails.
Regular communication helps avoid the "out of sight, out of mind" effect in long-distance friendships.

the foreseeable future , better safe than sorry , in years to come , beggars can’t be choosers , better late than never