1. eraser (n)
cục tẩy
An object, typically a piece of soft rubber or plastic, used to rub out something written.
2. ruler (n)
cái thước kẻ
a long, narrow, flat piece of plastic, metal, or wood with straight edges where centimetres or inches, or both are printed. It is used for measuring things and for drawing straight lines
3. crayon (n)
bút sáp màu
A pencil or stick of colored chalk or wax, used for drawing.
4. pencil case (np)
/ˈpen.səl ˌkeɪs/
hộp bút
a small bag for holding pens,pencils, etc., often used at school
5. count numbers (vp)
/kaʊnt ˈnʌm.bɚs/
đếm số
the process of enumerating or determining the quantity of numerical values, usually in a sequential manner, to establish the total or order of items in a set or sequence
6. draw pictures (vp)
/drɑː ˈpɪk.tʃɚz/
vẽ tranh
the act of creating visual representations or images on a surface, typically using tools such as pencils, pens, brushes, or digital media
7. spell words (vp)
/spel wɜːdz/
đánh vần từ
the process of correctly and sequentially arranging the letters of a word to form the word as it is written or spoken
8. sing songs (vp)
/sɪŋ sɑːŋz/
ca hát
the act of producing musical sounds with the voice by vocalizing the lyrics and melodies of a composition
9. Monday (n)
Thứ hai
The day of the week before Tuesday and following Sunday
10. Tuesday (n)
Thứ ba
The day of the week before Wednesday and following Monday
11. Wednesday (n)
Thứ Tư
The day of the week before Thursday and following Tuesday
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Chọn ảnh
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Thời gian học