/ ˈaʊt.breɪk/
cơn, sự bùng nổ
a time when something suddenly begins, especially a disease or something else dangerous or unpleasant

2. symptom (n)
/ ˈsɪmp.təm/
triệu chứng
any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular disease

3. chill (n)
/ tʃɪl/
sự ớn lạnh, sự cảm lạnh
a feeling of cold

4. cold (n)
/ koʊld/
lạnh, cảm lạnh
at a low temperature, especially when compared to the temperature of the human body, and not hot, or warm

5. flu (n)
/ fluː/
bệnh cúm
a common infectious illness that causes fever and headache

6. headache (n)
/ ˈhed.eɪk/
đau đầu
a pain you feel inside your head

7. advisory (n)
khuyến cáo, lời khuyên
an official announcement that gives people information or warns them about something.

8. continent (n)
lục địa
large area of land with many different countries on it.

9. fever (n)
a medical condition in which the body temperature is higher than usual

10. nausea (n)
buồn nôn
when you feel like vomiting

11. quarantine station (n)
/ˈkwɔːr.ən.tiːn ˈsteɪ.ʃən/
trạm kiểm dịch
special areas in an airport designed to check passengers for disease

12. rash (n)
chứng phát ban, chỗ phát ban
a red patch of skin.

13. sudden (adj)
đột nhiên, đột ngột
Something that is unexpected.

14. tropical (adj)
nhiệt đới
An area is hot and wet.

15. vomit (v)
nôn mửa
food and liquid from your stomach comes out of your mouth
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