the flesh of an animal when it is used for food
2. opinion (n)
/ əˈpɪn.jən/
ý kiến, quan điểm
a thought or belief about something or someone
3. consider (v)
/ kənˈsɪd.ɚ/
coi, xem xét
to spend time thinking about possibilities or making a decision.
4. goal (n)
/ ɡoʊl/
mục tiêu
an aim or purpose
5. entertain (v)
/ en.t̬ɚˈteɪn/
giải trí, tiêu khiển
to keep a group of people interested or enjoying themselves
6. vegetable (n)
/ ˈvedʒ.tə.bəl/
a plant, root, seed, or pod that is used as food, especially in dishes that are not sweet
7. extra (adj)
/ ˈek.strə/
thêm, phụ, ngoại
added to what is normal
8. advise (v)
/ ədˈvaɪz/
khuyên nhủ
to give someone advice
9. achieve (v)
đạt được
to successfully do something after trying hard
10. already (adv)
đã, rồi, đã... rồi
something happens before a certain time
11. basic (adj)
cơ bản
simple and not complicated, so able to provide the base or starting point from which something can develop
12. bit (n)
một chút
a small amount of something
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