/ ˈæs.pekt/
diện mạo, vẻ, bề ngoài
the appearance of a place, or the expression on a person's face
2. asset (n)
tài sản
a useful or valuable quality, skill, or person
3. braille (n)
chữ nổi
a system of raised patterns on paper that allows the blind to read
4. bud (n)
nụ, chồi, lộc
a part of a plant that turns into a flower or a leaf
5. coordinate (v)
phối hợp, điều phối
to make various, separate things work together
6. disprove (v)
bác bỏ
to prove that something is not true
7. humanitarian (adj)
nhân đạo
something is connected to helping people’s lives
8. hypothesis (n)
giả thuyết
an idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet been proved
9. imprint (n)
dấu vết, vết in, vết hằn
information about the company that has produced a book, newspaper, etc. which is usually printed on the title page or the last page
10. informative (adj)
nhiều thông tin
something provides a lot of information
11. optic (adj)
(thuộc) thị giác, (thuộc) mắt
something relates to the eyes or light
12. premise (n)
tiền đề
an idea or theory on which a statement or action is based
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