giám sát
to watch or organize a job or an activity to make certain that it is being done correctly

2. allocate (v)
phân, cấp, chỉ định
to give something as a share of a total amount

3. appetizing (adj)
ngon miệng
When food looks and smells very good.

4. blizzard (n)
trận bão tuyết
a severe snow storm with strong winds

5. cavity (n)
lỗ hỏng
a hole or space in something

6. clockwise (adv)
theo chiều kim đồng hồ
in the direction in which the hands of a clock move

7. concentric (adj)
đồng tâm
circles or rings have the same center

8. courtesy (n)
lịch sự
the excellence of manners or social conduct.

9. crisp (adj)
giòn, cứng
hard enough to be broken easily

10. discord (n)
sự bất hòa
disagreement or fighting between people

11. frigid (adj)
lạnh giá
something is extremely cold

12. generate (v)
tạo ra
to produce or create something such as a profits, sales, or jobs
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