vô tình, tình cờ
without intending to, or without being intended

2. capable (adj)
có khả năng
able to do things effectively and skilfully, and to achieve results

3. controversial (adj)
có thể tranh luận
causing disagreement or discussion

4. determine (v)
định, xác định, định rõ
to control or influence something directly, or to decide what will happen

5. distinguish (v)
phân biệt
to notice or understand the difference between two things, or to make one person or thing seem different from another

6. enter a market (vp)
/ˈɛntər ə ˈmɑrkət/
thâm nhập thị trường
to start selling goods or services in a new area

7. equivalent (adj)
tương đương
the same in amount, price, size, etc.:

8. extend a product range (vp)
/ɪkˈstɛnd ə ˈprɑdəkt reɪnʤ/
mở rộng phạm vi sản phẩm
to offer a larger variety of goods

9. favor (n)
sự ủng hộ, sự giúp đỡ
support a plan or idea

10. innovation (n)
sự đổi mới
a new idea, design, product, etc.

11. instability (n)
tính không ổn định, tính không kiên định, tính không vững
the fact of a situation being likely to change, in a way that is worrying, or the changes that happen

12. inventor (n)
người phát minh
someone who has invented something, or whose job is to invent things

13. make a break through (vp)
/meɪk ə breɪk θru/
tạo ra đột phá
to make an important discovery or change
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