/ ˈspɑːn.sɚ/
tài trợ, bảo trợ
(of a business or other organization) to pay for someone to do something or for something to happen

2. billboard (n)
bảng dán quảng cáo
a large sign, usually outdoors, used for advertising

3. commercial (n)
sự quảng cáo trên truyền hình hoặc truyền thanh
an advertisement on television, radio, or at the cinema

4. product demonstration (n)
/ˈprɑː.dʌkt ˌdem.ənˈstreɪ.ʃən/
trình diễn sản phẩm
an act of explaining and showing how a product works or how something is done

5. product placement (np)
/ˈprɑː.dʌkt ˌpleɪs.mənt/
quảng cáo nhúng, đặt sản phẩm trong phim
when the maker of a product arranges for it to appear or be used in a film or television programme, as a form of advertising

6. public relations (n)
/ˌpʌb.lɪk rɪˈleɪ.ʃənz/
quan hệ công chúng
the activity of telling the public about an organisation, person, product, etc. so that people think of them in a good way

7. publicise (v)
quảng cáo, làm cho mọi người biết
to give information about something to the public, so that they know about it

8. telemarketing (n)
tiếp thị qua điện thoại
the practice of telephoning people in order to sell things

9. promotion (n)
sự khuyến mãi
an activity such as special advertisements or free gifts intended to sell a product or service
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