sự phức tạp
a thing that makes a situation more complicated or difficult

2. layout (n)
bố trí, xếp đặt, bố cục
the way in which the parts of something such as the page of a book, a website, a garden or a building are arranged

3. assemble (v)
tập hợp
to get together in one place

4. beforehand (adv)
sẵn sàng trước
earlier (than a particular time)

5. courier (n)
người chuyển phát nhanh
someone who takes and delivers mail or packages

6. express (v)
/ ɪkˈspres/
diễn tả ,biểu lộ, bày tỏ
to show a feeling,opinion, or fact

7. fold (v)
to bend something like paper or cloth so that it takes up less space

8. mention (v)
đề cập đến
to speak about something quickly, giving little detail or using few words

9. petition (n)
đơn kiến nghị
a written request asking an authority to do something

10. proof (n)
bằng chứng
a fact that shows something is real

11. revise (v)
sửa lại
to change or correct something, esp. a piece of writing
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