sự tính, sự tính toán
the act or process of using numbers to find out an amount
2. fill out (vp)
/fɪl ˈaʊt/
làm căng, phồng lên
to become larger, rounder or fatter
3. joint (adj)
chung (giữa 2 hoặc nhiều người)
involving two or more people together
4. desire (n)
sự mong muốn, sự khao khát
a strong wish to have or do something
5. deadline (n)
hạn cuối cùng
the time or date by which something must be done
6. file (n)
hồ sơ, giấy tờ
a group of papers with information about something or someone
7. give up (vp)
/ˈɡɪv ʌp/
từ bỏ, bỏ cuộc
to stop doing something
8. owe (v)
/ oʊ/
to need to pay or give something to someone because they have lent money to you, or in exchange for something they have done for you
9. penalty (n)
hình phạt
a type of punishment, often involving paying money, that is given to you if you break an agreement or do not follow rules
10. preparation (n)
sự chuẩn bị, sự sửa soạn
the work of preparing something or preparing for something
11. refund (n)
sự trả lại
an amount of money that is given back to you, especially because you are not happy with a product or service that you have bought
12. spouse (n)
vợ/ chồng
a person's husband or wife
13. withhold (v)
giữ lại, thu lại
to refuse to give something or to keep back something
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