đẩy lùi
to successfully fight somebody who is attacking you, your country, etc. and drive them away
2. throw out (vp)
/ˈθrəʊ ˈaʊt/
to force somebody to leave a place
3. uniformly (adv)
đồng nhất, giống nhau
in a way that does not vary and is the same in all parts and at all times
4. brand (n)
nhãn hiệu
A type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name.
5. conform (v)
tuân thủ
to behave according to the usual standards of behaviour that are expected by a group or society
6. defect (n)
khuyết điểm, khiếm khuyết
a part of something that is wrong or missing
7. enhance (v)
nâng cao
to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something
8. garment (n)
quần áo
a piece of clothing
9. inspect (v)
/ ɪnˈspekt/
kiểm tra, xem xét kỹ
to look at something carefully.
10. perceptive (adj)
nhận thức được, cảm thụ được, nhạy cảm
able to notice and understand things that many other people do not notice
11. take back (vp)
/ˈteɪk ˈbæk/
quay về, trở về
to make you remember a time in the past
12. wrinkle (n)
nếp nhăn
a line on a person’s face that happens as they get old
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