sự đạt được
something that you achieved

2. disperse (v)
phân tán, giải tán
to move apart and go away in different directions; to make somebody/something do this

3. influence (n)
ảnh hưởng, tác động
the effect that somebody/something has on the way a person thinks or behaves or on the way that something works or develops

4. representation (n)
sự trình bày, sự miêu tả
the act of presenting somebody/something in a particular way; something that shows or describes something

5. separately (adv)
riêng biệt
as a separate person or thing; not together

6. successive (adj)
liên tiếp
following immediately one after the other

7. combine (v)
kết hợp
to join together to make a single thing or group

8. continue (v)
tiếp tục
to keep happening, existing, or doing something, or to cause something or someone to do this

9. description (n)
sự mô tả
a statement or a piece of writing that tells what something or someone is like

10. entertainment (n)
sự giải trí
shows, films, television, or other performances or activities that entertain people, or a performance of this type

11. range (n)
phạm vi, dãy, loại
the amount, number, or type of something between an upper and a lower limit

12. release (v)
miễn, tha, giải thoát
to say that someone or a company is not legally responsible for something.
Thời gian học