hóa chất
any basic substance which is used in or produced by a reaction involving changes to atoms or molecules

2. adventure (n)
cuộc phiêu lưu
an unusual, exciting or dangerous experience, journey or series of events

3. nervous (adj)
/ ˈnɝː.vəs/
căng thẳng, lo lắng
worried and anxious

4. experiment (n)
/ ɪkˈsper.ə.mənt/
sự thực nghiệm, sự thí nghiệm
a test done in order to learn something or to discover if something works or is true

5. noise (n)
/ nɔɪz/
tiếng ồn
a sound or sounds, especially when it is unwanted, unpleasant, or loud

6. approach (v)
/ əˈproʊtʃ/
tiếp cận, đến gần, lại gần
to come near or nearer to something or someone in space,time,quality, or amount

7. carefully (adv)
một cách cẩn thận
with great attention, especially to detail or safety

8. create (v)
tạo ra
to make something new, or invent something

9. evil (adj)
xấu, ác, có hại
describes something or someone bad or cruel, not good

10. kill (v)
giết chết
to cause someone or something to die

11. laboratory (n)
phòng thí nghiệm
a room where a scientist works.

12. laugh (n)
tiếng cười
the sound made when someone is happy or a funny thing occurs
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