hiệu quả
using resources such as time, materials, or energy well without wasting any

2. assist (v)
/ əˈsɪst/
hỗ trợ, giúp đỡ
to help

3. subject (n)
/ ˈsʌb.dʒekt/
chủ đề
the thing that is being discussed,considered, or studied

4. wage (n)
tiền công, tiền lương
the amount of money that a company pays an employee. It is based on the number of hours worked.

5. alongside (adv)
cùng với
next to, or together with

6. appetite (n)
sự thèm ăn, sự ngon miệng
the feeling that you want to eat food

7. breeze (n)
gió nhẹ
a light and pleasant wind

8. defy (v)
bất chấp, coi thường, không tuân theo
to refuse to obey or to do something in the usual or expected way

9. display (v)
trưng bày
to arrange something or a collection of things so that it can be seen by the public

10. feeble (adj)
yếu ớt
someone issmall or weak

11. forgive (v)
tha lỗi
to stop blaming or being angry with someone for something that person has done, or not punish them for something

12. lively (adj)
vui vẻ, hoạt bát hăng hái, năng nổ, sôi nổi
someone have a lot of energy
Thời gian học