linh hoạt
able to change or be changed easily according to the situation
2. ruin (v)
hủy hoại, phá hỏng
to break or spoil something
3. express (v)
/ ɪkˈspres/
diễn tả ,biểu lộ, bày tỏ
to show a feeling,opinion, or fact
4. stale (adj)
/ steɪl/
ôi, thiu, cũ, đã để lâu
no longer new or fresh, usually as a result of being kept for too long
5. brick (n)
a rectangular block of hard material used for building walls and houses
6. crumble (v)
vỡ nát ra, tan tành, vở vụn
to break, or cause something to break, into small pieces
7. dough (n)
bột nhồi làm bánh
a mixture of flour and water that becomes bread when baked
8. fist (n)
nắm tay, quả đấm
a hand with fingers bent in toward the palm
9. flush (v)
đỏ bừng
the face becomes red due to heat, illness, or emotion
10. injure (v)
làm tổn thương, làm hại, làm bị thương
to damage a part of their body
11. lump (n)
một cục
a small piece of something that is solid
12. mixture (n)
hỗn hợp
something that is made by mixing other things together
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