thuận tiện
suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty

2. mushroom (n)
a fungus with a round flat head and short stem.

3. urban (adj)
/ ˈɝː.bən/
(thuộc) thành thị
of or in acity or town

4. native (adj)
nguồn gốc, bẩm sinh
relating to or describing someone's country or place of birth or someone who was born in a particular country or place

5. civilization (n)
nền văn minh
an organized group of humans that have culture and government

6. den (n)
cái hang
a living space for some types of animals, such as lions

7. dew (n)
the drops of water that form on the ground outside during the night

8. drastic (adj)
mạnh mẽ, quyết liệt
something is extreme or major

9. exit (v)
ra, đi ra
to leave

10. flock (n)
đàn, bầy
a group of animals, such as birds, sheep or goats

11. fold (v)
to bend something like paper or cloth so that it takes up less space

12. lid (n)
a top for a box or container that can be removed
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