1. tournament (n)
cuộc đấu, giải đấu
a competition for teams or single players in which a series of games is played, and the winners of each game play against each other until only one winner is left
2. interact (v)
/ ˌɪn.t̬ɚˈækt/
tương tác
to communicate with or react to
3. mobile (adj)
/ ˈmoʊ.bəl/
chuyển động, di động, lưu động
moving or walking around freely
4. candidate (n)
/ ˈkæn.dɪ.dət /
ứng viên
a person who is competing to get a job or elected position
5. modify (v)
/ ˈmɑː.də.faɪ/
thay đổi, sửa đổi
to change something such as a plan, opinion, law, or way of behaviour slightly, usually to improve it or make it more acceptable
6. incorporate (v)
/ ɪnˈkɔːr.pɚ.eɪt/
kết hợp chặc chẽ, hợp nhất, sáp nhập
to include something as part of something larger
8. confidential (adj)
bảo mật, bí mật
secret or private, often in a formal, business, or military situation
9. corporate (adj)
liên hiệp công ty
something is related to a large business
10. enhance (v)
nâng cao
to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something
11. era (n)
thời đại, kỷ nguyên
a period of time of which particular events or stages of development are typical
12. guideline (n)
hướng dẫn
information intended to advise people on how something should be done or what something should be
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