/ ˈkɑːm.pə.t̬əns/
năng lực, khả năng, bản lĩnh
the ability to do something well

2. monument (n)
tượng đài
a large statue or building that is a reminder of an important person or event.

3. anthropology (n)
nhân chủng học
the study of people, society, and culture

4. applaud (v)
vỗ tay hoan nghênh
to show enjoyment or approval of something such as a performance or speech by clapping the hands repeatedly to make a noise

5. appoint (v)
bổ nhiệm,chỉ định, chọn, lập
to choose someone officially for a job or responsibility

6. compatible (adj)
tương thích, tương đồng
able to be used with a particular type of computer, machine, device, etc.

7. confer (v)
trao đổi
to exchange ideas on a particular subject, often in order to reach a decision on what action to take

8. consecutive (adj)
liên tiếp
following one after another without an interruption

9. crude (adj)
thô sơ
very simple, without much detail, and perhaps not very accurate

10. cube (n)
khối lập phương
a solid object with six square surfaces that are all the same size

11. feedback (n)
ý kiến phản hồi
comments to a person about how they are doing something

12. ignorance (n)
sự ngu dốt, sự không biết
lack of knowledge about something
Thời gian học