1. provoke (v)
/ prəˈvoʊk/
kích động, khiêu khích, xúi giục
to cause a reaction, especially a negative one
2. aggressive (adj)
hung hăng, hay gây hấn
angry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready to attack
3. amnesty (n)
ân xá
a pardon given to prisoners of war
4. arena (n)
đấu trường
a large, flat area surrounded by seats used for sports or entertainment
5. auditorium (n)
khán phòng, thính phòng
the part of a theatre, or similar building, where the people who are watching and listening sit
6. captive (n)
tù nhân, người bị giam cầm
a person or animal whose ability to move or act freely is limited by being kept in a space; a prisoner, especially a person held by the enemy during a war
7. combat (n)
trận đánh
fighting between two people or groups
8. commonplace (adj)
bình thường, phổ biến
happening or seen frequently and so not considered special or unusual
9. compound (n)
khu đất rào kín
an area surrounded by fences or walls that contains a group of buildings
10. corps (n)
quân đoàn
a military unit trained to perform particular duties
11. distract (v)
làm phân tâm, làm mất sao lãng
to make someone stop giving their attention to something
12. dumb (adj)
câm, không nói
unable to speak
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