thuộc thiên văn học
connected with astronomy
2. atom (n)
nguyên tử
the smallest unit of any chemical element, consisting of a positive nucleus surrounded by negative electrons
3. breadth (n)
bề dày, bề rộng
the distance from one side to the other side of something
4. circumference (n)
chu vi
the line surrounding a circular space, or the length of this line
5. comet (n)
sao chổi
an object that moves around the sun, usually at a great distance from it, that is seen on rare occasions from the earth as a bright line in the sky
6. crater (n)
miệng hố, miệng núi lửa
the round hole at the top of a volcano, or a hole in the ground similar to this
7. crescent (n)
hình bán nguyệt, hình lưỡi liềm
a curved shape that has two narrow pointed ends, like the moon when it is less than half of a circle
8. debris (n)
mảnh vụn
the small pieces scattered from something wrecked or destroyed
9. despair (n)
sự tuyệt vọng
the complete loss of hope
10. embed (v)
ấn vào, đóng vào, gắn vào, nhúng vào
to place something firmly within a surrounding thing
11. fragment (n)
miếng, mảnh vở
a small part of something
12. galaxy (n)
ngân hà
one of the independent groups of stars in the universe
Thời gian học