lớn (hơn), nhiều (hơn), trọng đại, chủ yếu
very large, important, or powerful, especially when compared with others of the same type
2. standard (n)
tiêu chuẩn
a level of quality, especially one that people think is acceptable
3. unique (adj)
duy nhất, độc đáo, độc nhất
unusual or the only one of its type
4. admit (v)
/ ədˈmɪt/
thừa nhận
to agree that something is true, especially unwillingly
5. offensive (adj)
/ əˈfen.sɪv/
xúc phạm, làm mất lòng
causing offence
6. article (n)
bài báo
a piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine, or on the internet
7. peace (n)
hòa bình, sự yên bình
a time without war
8. authority (n)
thẩm quyền
the power that someone has because of their position
9. deny (v)
phủ nhận
to say that something is not true
10. accuse (v)
buộc tội
to say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind
11. complaint (n)
sự than phiền, lời phàn nàn
something you say to tell people that you don’t like something
12. portray (v)
miêu tả
to represent or describe someone or something in a painting, film, book, or other artistic work
13. warn (v)
cảnh báo
to make someone realize a possible danger or problem, especially one in the future
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