sự thiếu hụt
a lack of something you need or want
2. database (n)
cơ sở dữ liệu
a large amount of information stored in a computer system in such a way that it can be easily looked at or changed
3. productivity (n)
năng suất
the relationship between the amount of goods that a factory produces and the resources needed to produce them
4. back office (n)
/ˌbæk ˈɑː.fɪs/
cơ quan hậu bị
the departments of a financial company where routine administrative tasks are done without direct contact with customers
5. business processes (n)
/ˈbɪz.nɪs ˈprɑː.sesiz/
quá trình kinh doanh
any activity that is essential for a firm to conduct its business
6. downsize (v)
cắt giảm nhân sự, giảm biên chế
to reduce the number of employees in an organisation
7. knowledge work (n)
/ˈnɑː.lɪdʒ wɝːk/
công việc kiến thức
work that involves developing or using knowledge
8. offshoring (n)
hoạt động ra nước ngoài
the practice of basing a business or part of a business in a different country, usually because this involves paying less tax or other costs
9. outsource (v)
thuê ngoài
transferring work to an outside supplier
10. overhead (n)
tổng phí
a cost that does not vary with output (e.g rent, salaries)
11. pilot project (n)
/ˈpaɪ.lət ˈprɑː.dʒekt/
dự án thực nghiệm, dự án thí điểm
a trial project to test performance
12. saving (n)
sự tiết kiệm
money and materials saved by economical working
13. service provider (n)
/ˈsɝː.vɪs prəˌvaɪ.dɚ/
nhà cung cấp dịch vụ
a company that provides services for users especially in computer networks
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