1. model (n)
kiểu, mẫu, mô hình
something that a copy can be based on because it is an extremely good example of its type
2. launch (v)
khởi đầu, đưa ra, phát động
to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new such as a product
3. distribution (n)
sự phân phối, sự phân phát
the activities of making goods available to customers after they have been produced, for example, moving, storing and selling goods
4. pricing (n)
sự định giá
the prices of a company’s products in relation to each other and in relation to the prices of competitors; also the activity of setting prices
5. corporate identity (n)
/ˈkɔːpərət aɪˈdentɪtɪ/
đặc trưng công ty
the way in which a company uses similar designs and colours on all its products, advertisements, letters, etc. so that people will become familiar with the company
6. creative director (n)
/krieɪtɪv daɪrektəʳ /
giám đốc sáng tạo
someone who is in charge of the work relating to producing advertisements and image campaigns for a company
7. exclusivity (n)
tính riêng biệt, tính độc quyền
the fact that a product is so expensive that not many people can afford to buy it
8. positioning (n)
sự định vị
the way people think about a product in relation to the company’s other products and to competing products, or the way that the company would like them to think about it
9. target (n)
/ ˈtɑːr.ɡɪt/
đối tượng
a limited group of people or area that a plan, idea, etc. is aimed at
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