1. broccoli (n)
bông cải xanh
a vegetable with a green stem or stems and a mass or several masses of flower buds at the top.
2. cabbage (n)
bắp cải
a large, round vegetable with large green, white, or purple leaves that can be eaten cooked or uncooked:
3. meat (n)
the flesh of an animal when it is used for food
4. onion (n)
củ hành
a vegetable with a strong smell and flavour, made up of several layers surrounding each other tightly in a round shape, usually brown or red on the outside and white inside:
5. salmon (n)
cá hồi
a medium-sized silver-coloured fish that lives in the sea or rivers and swims up rivers to produce its eggs
6. vegetable (n)
a plant or part of a plant that is eaten as food.
7. bread (n)
/ bred/
bánh mì
a food made from flour,water, and usually yeast, mixed together and baked
8. egg (n)
/ eɡ/
The oval object with a hard shell produced by female birds, especially chickens, is eaten as food.
9. menu (n)
/ ˈmen.juː/
thực đơn
a list of the food that you can eat in a restaurant
10. tomato (n)
/ təˈmeɪ.t̬oʊ/
cà chua (cây, quả)
a round, red fruit with a lot of seeds, eaten cooked or uncooked as a vegetable, for example in salads or sauces
11. cheese (n)
/ tʃiːz/
phó mát
a food made from milk, or from a milk-like substance taken from plants, that can be either firm or soft and is usually yellow or white in colour
12. plate (n)
/ pleɪt/
a flat, usually round dish with a slightly raised edge that you eat from or serve food from
13. spoon (n)
/ spuːn/
muỗng, thìa
an object consisting of a round, hollow part and a handle, used for mixing, serving, and eating food
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