1. return (v)
sự trở về
an occasion when someone goes or comes back to a place where they were before
2. overpriced (adj)
/ ˌoʊ.vɚˈpraɪst/
quá đắt
too expensive
3. relationship (n)
/ rɪˈleɪ.ʃən.ʃɪp/
mối quan hệ
the way in which two things are connected
4. data (n)
/ ˈdeɪ.t̬ə/
dữ liệu
Information, especially facts or numbers, is collected to be examined and considered and used to help decision-making. It can also be stored and used by a computer.
5. bravely (adv)
/ ˈbreɪv.li/
can đảm, dũng cảm
in a brave way
6. source (n)
/ sɔːrs/
nguồn, nguồn gốc
the place something comes from or starts at, or the cause of something
7. habitat (n)
/ ˈhæb.ə.tæt/
môi trường sống, nơi sống
the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives
8. upgrade (v)
nâng cấp
to improve the quality or usefulness of something, or change it for something newer or of a better standard
9. moment (n)
khoảnh khắc, chốc, chút, lát
a very short period of time
10. monitor (v)
giám sát
to watch and check a situation carefully for a period of time in order to discover something about it
11. measure (v)
đo, đo lường
to discover the exact size or amount of something
12. stormy (adj)
sóng gió, bão tố
describes something affected or characterized by storms
13. dread (v)
kinh sợ, sợ hãi
to be afraid of something that could, or is going to, happen
14. organism (n)
sinh vật
a single living plant, animal, virus, etc.
15. outdated (adj)
lỗi thời
old-fashioned and therefore not as good or as fashionable as something modern
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