có thể tranh luận
causing disagreement or discussion

2. apologise (v)
/ əˈpɑː.lə.dʒaɪz/
xin lỗi, tạ lỗi
to tell someone that you are sorry for having done something that has caused problems or unhappiness for them

3. pretend (v)
/ prɪˈtend/
giả vờ, lấy cớ
to behave as if something is true when you know that it is not, especially in order to deceive people or as a game

4. participate (v)
/ pɑːrˈtɪs.ə.peɪt/
tham dự, tham gia
to take part in or become involved in an activity

5. ban (v)
to decide or say officially that something is not allowed

6. blame (v)
/ bleɪm/
khiển trách, đổ lỗi
to say or think that someone or something did something wrong or is responsible for something bad happening

7. offensive (adj)
/ əˈfen.sɪv/
xúc phạm, làm mất lòng
causing offence

8. suspect (v)
/ səˈspekt/
nghi ngờ
to think that someone has committed a crime or done something wrong

9. hide (v)
trốn, dấu
to try not to let others see you.

10. punish (v)
trừng phạt
to make someone suffer for breaking the rules or laws.

11. grab (v)
vồ lấy
to take a hold of someone or something suddenly.

12. save (v)
to stop someone or something from being killed, injured, or destroyed

13. steal (v)
ăn cắp, lấy trộm
to take something that is not yours

14. cheat (v)
gian lận, lừa đảo
to be dishonest so that you can win or do well
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