chiều dài
how long something is from one end to the other.
2. height (n)
chiều cao, độ cao
how tall someone or something is
3. breadth (n)
bề dày, bề rộng
the distance from one side to the other side of something
4. enlarge (v)
phóng to
to become bigger or to make something bigger
5. must-see (adj)
phải xem, không thể bỏ qua
Highly recommended as worth seeing.
6. alternative (adj)
thay thế
(of one or more things) available as another possibility.
7. rave review (np)
/ˈreɪv ˌri.ˈvjuː/
đánh giá tích cực
an article in a newspaper or magazine that gives a very positive opinion about a new book, play, film etc
8. sell-out (adj)
/ˈsel ˈaʊt/
bán hết, cháy vé
a performance, sports game etc for which all the tickets have been sold
9. hype (n)
sự quảng cáo thổi phồng, sự cường điệu
when something is talked about a lot on television, in the newspapers etc, to make it seem good or important
10. letdown (n)
sự thất vong, sự chán ngán
something that disappoints you because it is not as good as you expected
11. flop (n)
(từ lóng) sự thất bại
a film, show, plan, or product that is not successful
12. mainstream (adj)
xu hướng, xu thế chủ đạo
the most usual ideas or ways of doing something that are accepted by most people
13. drums (n)
a musical instrument made of skin stretched over a circular frame, played by hitting it with your hand or a stick
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