1. universe (n)
vũ trụ
everything that exists, especially all physical matter, including all the stars, planets, galaxies, etc. in space
2. evoke (v)
gợi lên
to make someone remember something or feel an emotion
3. nature (n)
thiên nhiên
The phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations.
4. the outset (n)
/ðə ˈaʊt.ˌset/
ban đầu, ngay từ đầu
the beginning of an event or process
5. a picture is worth a thousand words ()
/ə ˈpɪk.tʃər ˈɪz ˈwɜːθ ə ˈθaʊz.n̩d ˈwɝːdz/
một bức tranh đáng giá ngàn lời nói
an idea can be conveyed better with just a single image than a written or spoken description does
6. better safe than sorry (idiom)
/ˈbe.tər ˈseɪf ˈðæn ˈsɑː.ri/
cẩn tắc vô ưu
used to say that it is better to be careful, even if this takes time, effort etc, than take a risk that may have a bad result
7. out of sight, out of mind (idiom)
/ˈaʊt əv ˈsaɪt ˈaʊt əv ˈmaɪnd/
xa mặt cách lòng
used to say that people soon stop thinking about something or someone if they do not see them for a while
8. home is where the heart is (vp)
/hoʊm ˈɪz ˈhwer̩ ðə ˈhɑːrt ˈɪz/
nhà là nơi trái tim ngự trị
used to say that someone is more fond of their home than of anywhere else
9. practise what you preach (idiom)
/ˈpræk.tɪs ˈhwʌt ˈjuː ˈpriːtʃ/
làm y như lời bạn đã giảng dạy, khuyên dạy và hướng dẫn cho người khác
to do the things that you advise other people to do
10. Rome wasn’t built in a day (idiom)
/roʊm ˈwɑː.zənt ˈbɪlt ɪn ə ˈdeɪ/
phải mất nhiều thời gian để đạt được những điều quan trọng/vĩ đại
a phrase meaning that it takes time to achieve something important, and you should not expect to succeed immediately
11. beggars can’t be choosers ()
/ˈbe.ɡərz ˈkænt bi ˈtʃuː.zərz/
trong tình huống bắt buộc không thể đòi hỏi những chọn lựa tốt hơn
used to say that, when you have no money or no power to choose, you have to accept whatever you are given
12. better late than never ()
/ˈbe.tər ˈleɪt ˈðæn ˈne.vər/
muộn còn hơn không
used to say that even if something happens late or someone arrives late, this is better than if it did not happen, or the person did not come at all
13. strike while the iron’s hot (idiom)
/ˈstraɪk ˈwaɪl ðə ˈaɪərn ˈɪz hɑːt/
hãy hành động ngay lập tức khi cơ hội đến
to do something immediately rather than waiting until a later time when you are less likely to succeed
14. keep your nose clean ()
/ˈkiːp wʌnz noʊz ˈtuː ðə ˈɡraɪndˌstoʊn/
cư xử đúng mực, đừng nhúng mũi vào chuyện gì
to make sure you do not get into trouble, or do anything wrong or illegal
15. no rest for the wicked (vp)
/ˈnoʊ ˈrest ˈfɔːr ðə ˈwɪkəd/
làm việc không ngừng nghỉ
used to say that you have no opportunity to stop working
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