/ ˈblæk.kɝː.ənt/
cây lý chua
a small, round, dark purple fruit that grows on a bus hand is usually cooked before being eaten

2. blue (adj)
/ bluː/
xanh, lam, lơ
of the colour of the sky without clouds on a bright day, or a darker or lighter type of this

3. cheese (n)
/ tʃiːz/
phó mát
a food made from milk, or from a milk-like substance taken from plants, that can be either firm or soft and is usually yellow or white in colour

5. delicious (adj)
/ dɪˈlɪʃ.əs/
thơm tho, ngon lành
having a very pleasant taste or smell

6. hard (adj)
/ hɑːrd/
cứng, rắn chắc
not easy to bend,cut, or break

7. meringue (n)
/ məˈræŋ/
bánh trứng đường
a very light, sweet food made by mixing sugar with egg white (= the clear part) and baking it

8. raspberry (n)
/ ˈræz.ber.i/
phúc bồn tử (cây, quả)
a small soft red fruit, or the bush on which it grows

9. soft (adj)
/ sɑːft/
mềm, dẻo
not hard or firm

10. sorbet (n)
/ sɔːrˈbeɪ/
kem trái cây, nước hoa quả ướp lạnh, nước trái cây
a sweet food made from fruit juice, water, and sugar mixed together and frozen

11. vanilla (v)
/ vəˈnɪl.ə/
cây va-ni
a substance made from the seeds of a tropical plant, used to give flavour to sweet foods
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