nha sĩ
a person whose job is treating people's teeth
2. accident report (n)
/ˈæk.sə.dənt ri.ˈpɔːrt/
báo cáo tai nạn
a formal document that provides details and information about an accident or incident that has occurred.
3. ambulance (n)
/ ˈæm.bjə.ləns/
xe cứu thương
a special vehicle used to take sick or injured people to hospital
4. asthma (n)
/ ˈæz.mə/
bện hen suyễn
a medical condition that makes breathing difficult by causing the air passages to become narrow or blocked
5. bleeding (n)
sự chảy máu
the process of losing blood from the body
6. brigade (n)
/ brɪˈɡeɪd/
lữ đoàn
a large group of soldiers in an army
7. burn (v)
/ bɝːn/
đốt (lửa)
to damage food by cooking it for too long or with too much heat, or to be damaged in this way
8. cold (n)
/ koʊld/
lạnh, cảm lạnh
at a low temperature, especially when compared to the temperature of the human body, and not hot, or warm
9. cut (v)
/ kʌt/
To break the surface of something, or to divide or make something smaller, using a sharp tool, particularly a knife
10. diarrhoea (n)
/ ˌdaɪ.əˈriː.ə/
bệnh tiêu chảy
An illness where the body's solid waste is more liquid than usual and comes out of the body more frequently
11. doctor (n)
/ ˈdɑːk.tɚ/
bác sĩ
a person with a medical degree whose job is to treat people who are ill or hurt
12. earache (n)
/ ˈɪr.eɪk/
đau tai
a pain in the inside part of your ear
13. emergency (n)
/ ɪˈmɝː.dʒən.si/
tình trạng khẩn cấp
An accident or something dangerous or serious that occurs suddenly or unexpectedly requires fast action to avoid harmful results
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